vendredi 31 mai 2019

Who is Ren Zhengfei, founder of Huawei

Today he is in the battle of his life.

Ren Zhengfei, founder of Huawei 

Huawei company’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, spoke to a journalist from the BBC at Huawei’s headquarters. He patiently answered questions after questions, setting the record straight on the company’s mission and values, as well as the recent challenges. He spoke openly as an industry professional, a company leader, and as well as a concerned father.

dimanche 12 mai 2019

E-Commerce in China for Vitamins and nutritional supplements (VDS) keep growthing in 2019

Vitamins and nutritional supplements (VDS) in a variety of countries are a type of product which is difficult to explain, but in China there are 27 functions of VDS.

E-Commerce in China for Vitamins and nutritional supplements (VDS) keep growthing in 2019

Last year, China used more than 115 billion vitamin and nutritional supplements, it is the result of increasing disposable income and increasing awareness about Chinese middle-class health. More than 350 million middle class users now represent the largest food supplement market worldwide in Mainland China.

 This product allows users’ immune system and strengthen the memory, blood is made regularly, gold quality is improved, and organs are safe. Other types of VDS can help people lose weight, is clearly skin or bone density. In China, the most valued vitamins and mortar supplements are those who work on immune systems and sales sell 27%. Vitamins and nutrient supplements are increasing in sales and it increases rapidly. Chinese users appreciate VDS using modern biology related to Chinese Chinese herbal food. In the past few years, vitamin individual products became a trend in China. Calcium and protein powder are also valued by Chinese consumers.
