samedi 1 juin 2013

A Chinese ecommerce giant

A Chinese ecommerce giant

A few days ago we reported  presenting partner at the D11 conference, and looked at the attention she paid to China. Among the many data points that had to be shared on the largest Internet market in the world, Meeker included a slide that shows how ecommerce giant Jingdong (formerly 360buy) offers same day delivery in 25 cities.

a Chinese ecommerce giant has three-hour delivery

Delivery routes, she noted, could be followed via a map, and buyers could even make contact with the delivery people, they did the job. Well, today, Jingdong has more news on the front of same-day delivery, and guess what: It gets even faster. The company announced it is taking delivery of three hours, and it extends its same day delivery orders hours 11:00 to 3:00 p.m..
This means that buyers of all the past had to place an order before 11am to receive same day shipping, they now have up to 15 hours, which means that orders arrive 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m..

New shipping options are available in six major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai. 360buy delivery In the United States, of course, even Amazon has just begun with same day delivery, and Google has done a great show to start a test program in a city: San Francisco. more information here

 Ecommerce and delivery ! 

Crowdsourcing Comes start focusing solely on the challenge of same-day delivery. The consequences are significant, with "Farhad" predict that the delivery service the same day Amazon will eventually destroy local retail.

In China, the consequences are more severe along the intra-sectoral competitive lines, Jingdong constantly trying to improve his match against dominant Taobao and Alibaba Tmall while trying to push the other online retailers such as electronics giants some and Suning. The stakes are high for Jingdong, which has raised more than $ 2 billion in venture capital, including a round of $ 700 million in February led by a Saudi prince, and is still not profitable.

Analysts have interpreted the cycle giant funding as a sign that Jingdong Alibaba run a public offering. The retailer would have had to delay the IPO plans in the past, amid suggestions that bled money in price wars that have characterized the sector e-commerce in China in recent years, and has the "ugly and operating margins." Although it is expected to be profitable by Jingdong at the end of this year, some analysts believe it may still not made public until 2014 as it passes the time to intervene build its logistics network. Delivery of three hours could help push this mission before, but even if the movement looks good on the consumer side to Jingdong, it will not make life easier on the backend.

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