dimanche 26 mai 2024

Top E-commerce Trends in Mauritius

As Mauritius continues to develop its digital infrastructure, e-commerce has become increasingly pivotal to its economic landscape. 



Here are some of the top e-commerce trends shaping the market in Mauritius:


1. Mobile Commerce Growth

With the high penetration rate of smartphones in Mauritius, mobile commerce (m-commerce) is rapidly expanding. Consumers are increasingly turning to their mobile devices for shopping due to the convenience and flexibility it offers. E-commerce platforms are optimizing their websites for mobile devices and launching apps to enhance the shopping experience.

2. Social Media Integration

Social media platforms are becoming a significant driver of e-commerce in Mauritius. Many businesses are leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp to promote their products, interact with customers, and facilitate sales directly through social media. This trend is particularly popular among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that utilize social media to reach a wider audience without significant investment in standalone e-commerce systems.

3. Increased Use of Digital Payments

Digital payment solutions are becoming more widespread in Mauritius, driven by the convenience and security they offer. Mobile payment solutions, internet banking, and digital wallets are seeing increased adoption rates. E-commerce businesses are integrating more payment options to accommodate consumer preferences and enhance the checkout process.

4. Local E-commerce Platforms Rising

While international platforms have a presence, there is a growing emergence of local e-commerce platforms catering to the specific needs of the Mauritian market. These platforms often offer products from local vendors and tailored services, such as same-day delivery within the island, which international platforms may not provide.

5. Personalization and AI

To improve customer engagement and boost sales, Mauritian e-commerce platforms are increasingly using AI technologies for personalization. This includes personalized product recommendations, targeted marketing campaigns, and chatbots for customer service. These technologies help in creating a more tailored shopping experience for users.

6. Sustainable and Ethical Practices

As global awareness of environmental issues grows, Mauritian consumers are becoming more interested in sustainable and ethical purchasing decisions. E-commerce platforms are responding by offering eco-friendly products, promoting local artisans and producers, and implementing green practices in packaging and logistics.

7. Expansion of Logistics and Fulfillment Services

To keep up with the growing demand from e-commerce, there is an expansion in logistics and fulfillment services within Mauritius. This includes the development of more advanced warehousing solutions, enhanced delivery services, and improved logistics technology to ensure timely and efficient delivery of products across the island.

8. Regulatory

The Mauritian government is actively working on improving e-commerce regulations to protect consumers and support the growth of online businesses. This includes measures to enhance cyber security, data protection laws, and consumer rights in the digital space.

These trends highlight the dynamic nature of the e-commerce sector in Mauritius, reflecting both global influences and local adaptations. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, these trends will likely expand, providing both opportunities and challenges for businesses in Mauritius.

jeudi 23 mai 2024

E-commerce in China in 2024

 E-commerce in China in 2024: Top Trends from Agencies

As we advance into 2024, China's e-commerce landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Agencies and industry analysts have identified several key trends that are shaping the future of online shopping in the world's largest e-commerce market. These trends reflect changes in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and regulatory environments. Revenue in the eCommerce Market is projected to reach US$1,469.00bn in 2024



1. Livestreaming E-commerce Dominance

Livestreaming has revolutionized e-commerce in China, blending entertainment with instant purchasing options. In 2024, this trend continues to dominate, with influencers and brands using platforms like Taobao Live, Douyin (TikTok's Chinese counterpart), and Kuaishou to engage directly with consumers. Livestreaming is not just a sales channel; it has become a crucial tool for brand building and product launches.

read more 


2. Integration of AI and AR Technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) are being increasingly integrated into the e-commerce experience to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. AI is used for personalized recommendations, customer service, and inventory management, while AR allows consumers to visualize products in their own environment before purchasing. This technology is particularly prevalent in the fashion and home decor sectors.

3. Consumerism is changing
Sustainability is becoming a significant factor in consumer purchasing decisions. Chinese consumers are increasingly drawn to brands that demonstrate environmental responsibility. In response, e-commerce platforms and sellers are adopting eco-friendly practices such as sustainable packaging, carbon-neutral shipping options, and promoting eco-friendly products.

4. Cross-Border E-commerce Expansion
With the relaxation of certain international trade barriers and improvements in logistics, cross-border e-commerce is experiencing significant growth. Chinese consumers are increasingly purchasing international brands and products online, driven by a desire for quality and authenticity. Platforms like Alibaba’s Tmall Global douyin and JD Worldwide are expanding their international offerings to meet this demand.read more https://marketingtochina.com/guide-ecommerce-china/

5. Social Commerce Surge
Social commerce, which involves purchasing products directly through social media platforms, continues to surge. Platforms like WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) are making it easier for users to buy products without leaving the app, leveraging social recommendations and community engagements to drive sales.

6. Localized and Hyper-Personalized Marketing
E-commerce giants are focusing on hyper-localized and personalized marketing strategies. Using data analytics, companies can tailor their marketing campaigns to individual preferences and regional characteristics, increasing conversion rates. Personalization extends beyond marketing into customizing product offerings and shopping experiences.

7. Regulatory Adjustments
The Chinese government is tightening regulations around e-commerce to protect consumers and ensure fair competition. New regulations focus on data security, consumer privacy, and anti-competitive practices. Companies operating in China are adapting by enhancing their compliance structures and transparency.

8. Rise of Niche Platforms
While major platforms like Alibaba and JD.com continue to dominate, niche e-commerce platforms are gaining traction by catering to specific interests and demographics, such as luxury goods, second-hand markets, and specialty foods. These platforms often provide a curated experience that appeals to particular consumer segments.

Conclusion : go or not go to China :-) 

vendredi 30 juin 2023

Trends in Ecommerce in China in 2023 from ecommercechinablog

In 2023, China's ecommerce landscape

In 2023, China's ecommerce landscape is a dynamic and fast-paced sector of the economy that continues to evolve and expand, setting trends not only for the nation but the global marketplace as well. Building upon China's already massive digital consumer base, ecommerce trends in 2023 are underscored by accelerated technological innovation, deepening penetration of digital services, evolving consumption habits, and a profound shift towards sustainable and inclusive growth.

The core of China's ecommerce innovation in 2023

The core of China's ecommerce innovation in 2023 is mobile commerce, which has grown more sophisticated with the advancements in 5G technology. The Chinese consumer's smartphone has transformed into a gateway for a rich digital shopping experience, allowing businesses to provide an even more immersive, personalized, and convenient shopping experience. High-speed and low-latency 5G networks have unlocked new possibilities in AR and VR, enabling virtual try-ons, 360-degree product viewing, and interactive shopping environments. This trend has raised the bar for customer engagement and service quality in ecommerce.

Another trend shaping China's ecommerce in 2023 is the explosion of live-streaming commerce. Social media influencers, known as Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), host live shows where they demonstrate and sell products directly to consumers. This trend is expanding beyond B2C, with B2B marketers increasingly leveraging live-streaming for lead generation and sales. The integration of ecommerce and social media, referred to as social commerce, has deepened in 2023, with platforms like WeChat, Douyin (Chinese TikTok), and Pinduoduo leading the way.

China's consumer behavior has also evolved

China's consumer behavior has also evolved, signaling a shift from price-consciousness to a value-driven and personalized shopping experience. The rise of the middle class and younger generations' increased purchasing power have driven demand for higher-quality products, personalized services, and sustainable practices. Consumers in 2023 are more willing to pay a premium for products that align with their values, such as green products, ethically sourced goods, and items with unique cultural significance. The era of mass production and consumption is making way for more niche, customized, and artisanal products.

The country's ecommerce landscape

The country's ecommerce landscape has seen a significant shift towards rural ecommerce as well. Ecommerce giants, including Alibaba and JD.com, have set their sights on rural areas, considering them a new growth frontier. These companies are investing in logistics and digital infrastructure to connect rural producers with urban consumers, driving rural economic development and reducing the urban-rural digital divide. The trend towards rural ecommerce has paved the way for the growth of local brands and products, diversifying China's ecommerce offerings.

Green ecommerce has emerged as another prominent trend in China in 2023

Green ecommerce has emerged as another prominent trend in China in 2023. The country's ecommerce players are increasingly recognizing their role in promoting sustainable consumption and production. They are integrating green practices into their business operations, such as eco-friendly packaging, carbon-neutral delivery, and product lifecycle management. Consumer awareness and demand for sustainable products have grown, encouraging businesses to prioritize sustainability.

Inclusive growth is a major theme in China's 2023

Inclusive growth is a major theme in China's 2023 ecommerce trends. The digital economy has been harnessed to promote financial inclusion, with fintech services like Alipay and WeChat Pay being increasingly used in ecommerce transactions. This trend has increased financial access for unbanked and underbanked populations, promoting more equitable economic growth.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data continue to play a crucial role in enhancing customer experience and operational efficiency in ecommerce. Advanced algorithms help in predicting consumer behavior, personalizing marketing strategies, optimizing supply chain management, and improving product recommendations. Companies are investing in AI-powered chatbots, voice assistants, and automated customer service to enhance their digital customer experience.

In conclusion, China's ecommerce trends in 2023 reflect the country's ambitious digital transformation and its

Source : 

jeudi 23 février 2023

China VS Hong Kong An European Businessman shared his Opinion

 After a week spent in this special administrative region of China, we have stopped counting the number of times that the simplicity of doing business in Hong Kong has been praised to us.

Without necessarily seeking to question the entirety of this discourse, our education has taught us to question this kind of assertion to find where the nuance lies.

And the fact is that, if all the elements are indeed in place to promote business, Hong Kong is not an easy market. It would be more honest to say that everything is simple to attack a difficult market.

Indeed, if 80% of companies launched in Hong Kong are by foreigners, they will have to learn to deal with local particularities and adapt to market constraints.

But if the problem had to be summed up in one element: in view of its very small surface area, Hong Kong real estate has nothing to be ashamed of in the face of Parisian prices. The cost of living may therefore be low on all other lines, the budget that you will have to put in office and housing implies an essential obligation: your business will have to generate cash, and it will have to generate it quickly.

  I started doing sales work for the first time, rather than recounting my life again, I rather want to describe funny things to you: The most important thing in Asia for doing business is your business card, but just having a business card is not enough.

When you give your business card, you have to give it with both hands showing it to your interlocutor, and when he gives you his card, you also have to take it with both hands and inspect it, you remember the catalog of Toys R Us, well it's the same.

Doing Business in Asia, not impossible 

In addition, after having examined it well, it is relatively advisable to place it next to your belongings like your whitewash when you were very young, never very far away.

You should also never get upset, even if the guy makes you understand that your business is rotten and that he will die in 5 days, you still have to save face and wish him the best blalbla. In short, lower your pants is the French translation of what I just said.

That's all for today, tomorrow I finally get my own scooter (which means that in a few days I'm going to take a bus from the front, goodbye). I hope to be able to go and take pictures when the sun goes down but the day promises to be just as busy, it's a shame because at the moment they are working quite a lot in the rice fields and I already have a few spots to take pictures!

Hong Kong may therefore appear to you as an entrepreneurial paradise on one condition: that of agreeing to work hard.

So after 8 days in Hong Kong, around 30 meetings and around 50 encounters, here is our checklist of the 10 things to think about before launching your business from Hong Kong:

1Does Hong Kong have a competitive advantage for your particular industry?

Not all businesses are equal in luck and some businesses are more likely to succeed in HK. Three major scenarios:

My Feedback 

Being close to your production unit: this is the first good reason to open an office in Hong Kong. If you offer a product manufactured in China (whether it is a technological product or not for that matter), you will have great advantages by choosing a base in Hong Kong. This is the case for Native Union, which produces its accessories in Shenzhen and runs its business from HK. 30 minutes from their production unit, they benefit from better responsiveness to market a product more quickly, without sacrificing quality (when you are far away, you end up accepting small defects because another return trip would be too long).

Being in the wine business: the former chief executive being a great wine lover, he eliminated import and sales taxes. Hong Kong therefore presents itself as one of the places where wine is the cheapest, attracting many traders for an Asian population that is increasingly fond of French wines in particular.

Wanting to target the Asian market: it is the very objective of the Think Asia Think Hong Kong campaign to want to present HK as the window to Asia (and in particular China). If the expansion of your business must go through China, it is better to settle in Hong Kong where the laws are Western (remains of the colonial heritage) and where business is encouraged by many initiatives.

Read more 

If you don't produce anything in China, you're not in the wine business (or luxury in general) and you're not targeting the Asian market... do you really have good reasons to go to Hong Kong? Only you have the answer.

lundi 16 janvier 2023

4 surprising news about the Chinese Economy


China's bulk commodity index c

While global inflationary pressures are expected to ease somewhat in 2023, inflation is unlikely to decline quickly. The latter is likely to remain elevated compared to pre-Covid levels.

China's bulk commodities market development index reversed its downward trend in December 2022, according to industry data.

China's bulk commodity index came in at 101 percent during the period, up 0.8 percentage points from the previous month, according to the China Logistics and Purchasing Federation.

An index above 100% indicates expansion, while an index below 100% reflects contraction.

The bulk commodity supply and inventory sub-indices both rose from the previous month, and the decline in bulk commodity sales eased in December.

The federation predicts that the national bulk cargo market will perform better in 2023.

“We would be surprised if developed countries manage to reach target inflation levels of around 2% in the near future. We expect weaker global economic growth in 2023, although we still expect to see earnings growth and dividends from a number of companies we own," they said.

Geopolitically, elevated tensions between China and the West, particularly the United States, are likely to continue. The two analysts do not foresee an escalation to the point of a military conflict in Taiwan.

This country is a fully functioning country, has a productive workforce and is home to many successful companies that hold large market shares and high barriers to entry, with very few state-owned companies. Corporate governance is particularly strong and we believe Australia faces far fewer long-term environmental risks than many other countries in the region and around the world."

The manager also highlights Singapore, which is home to many interesting companies with revenues from across Southeast Asia. In addition, thanks to its flexible immigration policy and stable economy, a considerable number of wealthy Chinese residents are deciding to settle there, a trend that is expected to continue and which should benefit Singapore.

Over the next decade, India is expected to contribute about 20% of total global growth.

China’s pet industry was worth RMB 298.8 billion (US$44.4 billion) in 2020 and reached a projected RMB 348.8 billion (US$51.5 billion) in 2021, a year-on-year growth rate of 16.7 percent. The iResearch white paper also projects the industry to reach RMB 445.6 billion (US$66.1 billion) by 2023.


The Sales Volume of Scarves is Higher in China

Scarves have a huge market volume in China. According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS), the Chinese scarf market has a scale of 250 billion CNY (33.9 billion EUR) in 2022. This market volume was boosted by 2 factors:

The strong power of textile products in China 

A research by Statista in 2019 shows that clothing and accessories (including scarves) are the third most purchased luxury goods in China with a 44.6% acceptance rate.

China’s Baby Care Market in 2022, chck this 

Following rising concerns about Chinese babies’ health over the years, baby personal care, in general, is poised to witness significant growth. In 2019, the market size of mother and baby products in China reached approximately 2.7 trillion yuan, growing at around a 15% rate annually in the past three years.

According to market research, the China baby care products market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.69% between 2020 and 2027 to reach a market size of US$23.469 billion in 2027, from US$11.531 billion in 2020. Chinese young parents pursue high-end lifestyles, particularly in lower-tier cities.

lundi 7 novembre 2022

Virtual influencers, stars of Single Day in China

 Virtual influencers, stars of Single Day in China

 In China, influencer marketing is increasingly regulated. No wonder when you know that the government is trying at all costs to manage everything, even innocuous speeches around the latest beauty products. Pointed out, some influencers therefore find themselves stuck, and partnerships are becoming rarer. So, to avoid any risk of sanction, new companies have emerged to offer an alternative solution to brands: virtual ambassadors. “A virtual influencer is a fictional character. It can take several forms (humanoids, animals, objects etc.)


These virtual ambassadors are attracting great interest in Asia, so investment in specialized companies continues to grow. According to information released by iiMedia Research, China's avatar industry is expected to grow sevenfold by 2025, from $870 million in 2021 to over $6.6 billion in 2025. Recently, players like Tencent and ByteDance have injected hundreds of billions of dollars into certain structures.

Influencer marketing in China is a huge and growing industry, with the top Feed platform boasting more than 800 million monthly active users. And it’s not just big brands that are getting involved – more and more small businesses are seeing the value in partnering with influencers to reach new audiences. But what exactly is influencer marketing, and how does it work in China? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the basics of influencer marketing and some of the top platforms and influencers in China.

mardi 1 novembre 2022

Top challenges of selling beauty products in China

 What are the challenges of selling beauty products in China?

Selling cosmetics online in China can be challenging for several reasons. First, there is a lack of regulation around the sale of cosmetics in China, which means there is no standard way of doing business. It is therefore difficult for brands to determine the best way to sell their products online in China. Additionally, Chinese consumers are often reluctant to pay high prices for cosmetics, preferring to purchase products at lower cost from unofficial sources. As a result, many brands found it difficult to sell their products online in China and had to turn to other methods such as physical stores or social media platforms.

L'Oreal the number one beauty company experienced strong growth in the third quarter (+19.7% to 9.5 billion euros). Over nine months, the group continues to grow faster than the market. Excellent summer for L'Oréal. The number one cosmetics company stands out with third-quarter sales up 19.7% to 9.58 billion euros. Much better than the consensus of 9.2 billion euros. The result jumped by +20% compared to 2019, the pre-pandemic reference year.

Despite inflation, its revenues are robust in all its activities: Luxury, consumer products and even in “Active Cosmetics”, this category of dermo-cosmetics, which is still small in the group but which has experienced the most rapid growth.

How can you overcome these challenges?

To overcome the challenges of selling cosmetics in China, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure your products are of high quality and that you offer unique and innovative products. Second, be sure to research the Chinese market carefully before launching your product, as there are many different preferences among consumers. Finally, use technology tools to help you reach potential customers and drive sales.

One of the ways to sell cosmetics using technology is through social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Creating an account on these sites can help you build a following for your brand and connect with potential customers. Once you've established a relationship with your audience, using technology tools like analytics can help you track the performance of your marketing campaigns and make any necessary adjustments.

Another way to sell cosmetics in China is through online marketplaces such as Taobao and Tmall. These platforms offer a wide range of products from different brands, so it is important to do your research beforehand to find the right products to sell. Once you've added your products to the marketplace, it's important to actively promote them to attract interested buyers.

Finally, it is always beneficial to have a representative stationed in China in order to better understand the needs of local consumers and adapt your marketing strategies accordingly. By taking these steps, you can ensure that you continue to successfully sell your cosmetics in China!

source : https://techuch.com/how-to-sell-cosmetics-using-tech-in-china/

Tools and Strategies to Use When Selling beauty products Online in China

When selling cosmetics online in China, it is important to understand the culture and preferences of the Chinese consumer. For example, some Chinese consumers prefer natural ingredients in their cosmetics, while others may prefer more colorful formulations. It is also important to be aware of the new Chinese regulatory environment surrounding cosmetics. In May 2018, China released new regulations that require all imported cosmetic products to undergo pre-market safety checks. This means that cosmetic companies selling products in China will have to comply with Chinese safety standards before they can sell their products.

Asia Top 5 market trends you have to read

Asia is the new eldorado 

 Facebook is popular in Vietnam 


When it comes to Facebook marketing, understanding your target audience is key. However, it can be tough to know who is actually on Facebook and what they are interested in. Fortunately, you can use a few simple methods to figure out who your target audience is and what they’re looking for.

Top social Media strategy in Vietnam 

If you’re looking to take your travel business to the next level, social media is a great way to do it. Not only does social media provide you with an avenue to reach a large audience quickly, but it also gives you the opportunity to build relationships with your customers. When it comes to social media for Vietnam travel, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. In this blog post, we’ll outline the best social media strategy for Vietnam travel and provide you with tips on how to implement it successfully.

Luxury in China, Storytelling is the key 

Storytelling is one of the most important weapons a luxury brand can use to sell products in China. Luxury Products are often associated with "beautiful"" stories, which makes them more memorable and unique. Chinese consumers have an appreciation for storytelling

Luxury firms must create compelling stories to sell their premium accessories, bags in China. They can do this by creating narratives around their products or by partnering with celebrities or other influencers to promote their products. Luxury brands must also make sure that their branding is consistent with the story they are telling. This includes creating a visual style that aligns with the story and using appropriate messaging across all channels

The underwear market in China is booming. 

The Chinese lingerie industry is estimated to be worth $2.7 billion by 2020, and is projected to grow at a rate of over 10% annually. The market has seen rapid growth in recent years, as more and more women are opting for lingerie as comfortable and stylish underwear choice.

Marketing Tips in Philippines

The Philippines is an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands located in Southeast Asia. The country has a population of more than 100 million people and is the 10th most populous country in the world. Despite its size, the Philippines has a relatively small domestic market compared to other countries in the region. In 2013, the Philippine economy was worth US$273 billion, but only US$118 billion of that was generated within the country. The majority of exports are agricultural products and services. Tourism is also a significant contributor to the economy, with 50 million foreign visitors coming to the Philippines each year.